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Thursday, 13 October 2011

a b and "C"

The letter C, its influence in today's computer world and the man behind it..

The Operating system which made multi-tasking possible, which led way for more and more user friendly OSs of today and the same man behind it..

One laboratory and two men, turned the computing world upside down in the late 1960's..
Imagine the world with computers and its key boards still having only 0s and 1s on it and we trying to convert every bit of chatting we do, Facebooking, orkutting, IMing, tweeting into binary codes.. Life would have been so tough.. and the computers which we use today would cost millions and occupy even an entire room... If not for the man who created C and unix, the embedded gadgets which we use today, the mobile phones, Ipods, laptops, and tablets wouldn't have been possible.

The man and his C programming language has been the inventor of inventors ever since 1969. Without C, there wouldn't have been a Bill Gates, a Steve Jobs, a Vic Gundotra, a Larry Page, a Mark Zuckerberg, a Jack Dorsey, a Orkut Buyukokten and many more computer and programming Pioneers of today..

Without the invention of C, there wouldn't have been a C++, or Java or any other Programming languages which followed!

Every Bit of computing we do today from Windows 3 to i0S or android or even the recently released windows 8 has its base in Unix and C.

"I'm not a person who particularly had heros when growing up." He used to say..But today, he has become an Inspiration to many of the nerdy IT professionals working for the betterment of tomorrow in every corner of the world..

Rest In Peace Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie.. You have given the world a language which makes people interact with machines!!!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."
- Steve Jobs.

You will be remembered until the word Innovation exists in oxford dictionary 

Apples have changed the life of humans right from our existence....

First, the apple in the hands of Eve, led way for the generations of mankind

Second, the apple which fell on the head of Isaac Newton, led to the law of gravitation which is one of the sole reason for the existence of life on earth

Third, the apple (the bitten one) in the hands of Steve Jobs
, taught mankind what innovation really meant.

Steve Jobs at Stanford University

"Don't lose faith" like Steve always said.. Because one could have easily broken down after being fired from a company which he nurtured from its birth... But Steve saw things differently.. He started a new company named Next and in due course of time, in the absence of Steve, Apple realized that it  needed Next to survive.

His innovations reached not only adults but also children through his Pixar animation Studios. like, who would have imagined that computer animation is possible at a large scale before the release of Toy story?? The movie didn't only entertain its viewers, but also made the world look back at Steve, to know what Innovation can do.

Speaking about Steve Jobs, the i-factor can never be left off.. his love for innovation made him call himself the "iCEO" of apple in 1998..He put an end to the Mac clones and released the iMac all-in-one desktop in the year 2000. His thirst never stopped with that, as  he revolutionized the gadget markets with the release of iPod and its software iTunes, which enabled people buy music legally online.

Steve's faith and determination saw him live through a rare pancreatic cancer (2005), uneven weight loss (2009) and a liver transplant (2010).

Who would have known that Stephen Paul Jobs born in the year 1955 would create such an impact in the field of computers, technology, embedded systems, electronic gadgets, Animation filming (like i dont see any animation movie in hollywood without the Pixar tag in it) and most of all, a Visionary??

Like i said, "Steve will be remembered until the word Innovation exists in Oxford Dictionary"

"Love what you do..If you haven't found it yet, then keep looking and don't settle"
- Steve Jobs

His journey will continue even in heaven!!!

iCame, iSaw, iConquered, ileft, iCameback, iMac, iPod, iTunes, iStore, iPhone,  iOS, iPad, iCloud, iRetire.... and finally,, the iMan is no more :(

Rest In Peace, Genius Brain!!!! You ll always be my iGOD!!!!