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Thursday, 13 October 2011

a b and "C"

The letter C, its influence in today's computer world and the man behind it..

The Operating system which made multi-tasking possible, which led way for more and more user friendly OSs of today and the same man behind it..

One laboratory and two men, turned the computing world upside down in the late 1960's..
Imagine the world with computers and its key boards still having only 0s and 1s on it and we trying to convert every bit of chatting we do, Facebooking, orkutting, IMing, tweeting into binary codes.. Life would have been so tough.. and the computers which we use today would cost millions and occupy even an entire room... If not for the man who created C and unix, the embedded gadgets which we use today, the mobile phones, Ipods, laptops, and tablets wouldn't have been possible.

The man and his C programming language has been the inventor of inventors ever since 1969. Without C, there wouldn't have been a Bill Gates, a Steve Jobs, a Vic Gundotra, a Larry Page, a Mark Zuckerberg, a Jack Dorsey, a Orkut Buyukokten and many more computer and programming Pioneers of today..

Without the invention of C, there wouldn't have been a C++, or Java or any other Programming languages which followed!

Every Bit of computing we do today from Windows 3 to i0S or android or even the recently released windows 8 has its base in Unix and C.

"I'm not a person who particularly had heros when growing up." He used to say..But today, he has become an Inspiration to many of the nerdy IT professionals working for the betterment of tomorrow in every corner of the world..

Rest In Peace Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie.. You have given the world a language which makes people interact with machines!!!

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